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Mother Blessing Ceremony

Welcome to a more sacred way to celebrate before baby arrives.


A Mother's Blessing Ceremony is an event that creates space to honour, support and celebrate a woman's journey into motherhood, with the focus on her, rather than a conventional baby shower where the focus is on the baby. Inspired by an ancient Navajo ceremony in North America called hoshooji (meaning blessing ceremony).  


A Mother's Blessing Ceremony is a gathering for the mother to be with her close women friends and family members. Tabitha will facilitate the space so you can shower Mama-to-be with love, support, and bless her on her journey into motherhood through heart felt messages, ritual, pampering, creations made for her and a red thread ceremony.


Your Mother Blessing can be tailored to suit you and your group to create a day where the women in your life can offer support and connection and celebrate this transition into motherhood.


Your Mother Blessing Ceremony could include:


  • Speaking or offering written words of support and wishes for mother and baby.

  • Red Thread Ceremony - A ball of cord gets passed around the circle and tied round each woman's wrists. The cord is then kept on everyone's wrists so that they hold the mother to be in their minds and will only take the cord off once the baby is born

  • Everyone is given a candle to take home to light and send their well wishes during the labour

  • Each guest selects a bead to make a necklace or another object for the mother to be. This is for her to have during labour and beyond so she will remember she can always call upon her friends love and support through this treasure.

  • Everyone brings a special item to create a nurturing altar space at home for the mother to be to sit and feel held and empowered during her pregnancy, labour and early motherhood.

  • Decorating a dream catcher which will hold the groups hopes, wishes and love for mama and the unborn baby.

  • Making bath salts with oils and herbs for the mothers postpartum recovery.

  • Guests could each be asked to bring a dish for the freezer (to help during the weeks after the birth) or be invited to sign up on a rota to bring food round the week after the birth.

  • Poetry reading

  • Oracle Card reading

  • Fear release, mother can write any fears that she may have and share them to the group.

  • Washing of feet and/or massaging of hands

  • Guided meditation

  • Circle of chanting & song

  • Belly painting

  • Adorning the mother with gifts, flower head-dress, beaded necklace

  • Closing the ceremony with cacao, cake and light refreshments


Price starts from £200. Get in touch for more information and to discuss the possibilities for your beautiful and unique ceremony. 

Get in touch to find out more about your Mother Blessing Ceremony

Lets create something memorable

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